
Quinlan's Comms History
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gen, M/M
Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Dark Disciple - Christie Golden
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos, Tholme & Quinlan Vos, Quinlan Vos & Original Character(s), Quinlan Vos & CC-2012 | Cryo, Aayla Secura & Quinlan Vos
Quinlan Vos, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2012 | Cryo, Original Clone Trooper Character(s), Tholme (Star Wars)
Additional Tags:
Humor, Angst, Fluff, Trans Female Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Quinlan Vos, Presumed Dead, trans humor, Implied Sexual Content, Between two consenting adults, Order 66 Aftermath (Star Wars), Epistolary, Chatlogs, Slice of Life, Quinlan's over-use of emojis
Published: 2021-01-19 Words: 623 Chapters: 1/1

Quinlan's Comms History


Exactly what the title says. A look into Quinlan's comms conversations over the years, featuring the Trans Agenda, overuse of emojis, and making Obi-Wan's life difficult.


I told you I would bring Cryo back for more!

Quinlan's Comms History

[Temple Data Backup 38 BBY]


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: [attachment.image2046354.jpg]

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: []


Me: holy kriff

Me: are you still on Dantooine? That’s gorgeous


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: yes, we’re working with an isolated village, so there’s almost no light pollution

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: i figured you’d enjoy some pictures of the stars


Me: you know what else i’d enjoy pics of? 😏😏


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: 😑

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: maybe later


Me: 😏😏😏

Me: how are you doing?


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: good


Me: really?

Me: or are you doing Obi-Wan good? Bc obi-wan good doesn’t count


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: I’m alright, Quinlan, really. 

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: how are you?


Me: i’m just fine and dandy, love

Me: oop gtg Tholme needs me

Me: don’t enrage any locals love you bye


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: i love you, too, you menace



[Temple Data Backup 36 BBY]


Master Tholme: Quinlan, congratulations on the successful completion of your first mission. I hope you know that every day, I grow more proud of you. I am honored to have taught a student such as yourself. You’ve grown into a fine young man in more ways than one and you are a credit to the Order. 


Me: awwwww thanks, Master


Master Tholme: The pleasure is all mine, Knight Vos.


You holocalled Master Tholme. 

Master Tholme declined your holocall.


Me: ??? Why’d you decline?



Master Tholme: I hope you’ll indulge your old master in some sentimentality, at least for now.



Me: kriff now I’m crying

Me: see what you’ve done, master?



[GAR Data Backup 21 BBY]


Cryo ❄️: [attachment.mission_report_ilum_11.89.21.pdf] 


Me: thasngk

Me: thasnk

Me: thank


Cryo ❄️: All due respect, sir, but are you drunk?


Me: nopeee

Me: imin the medc bay


Cryo ❄️: oh mood


Me: if we kll all the cissies who dop we lett luve?

Me: who do we let live

Me: Im awake now


Cryo ❄️: cody



Me: i didn’t tell u?

Me: yeeahj im ftm

Me: we have to leet obi live


Cryo ❄️: yeah he’s cool

Cryo ❄️: why do I feel like I’m going to get in trouble for messaging you while you’re high


Me: when have i eveeer gottne you in trouble for anythign ever?

Me: i love you liek a sister cryo i thougttt oyu new that


Cryo ❄️: okay, sir

Cryo ❄️: go back to sleep lol



[Recovered from severely damaged communicator found on Dathomir circa 19 BBY] 


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Vos, check in. 

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Vos, check in.

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Quinlan, this isn’t funny. 


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Quinlan, where are you?

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Answer me.

Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Quinlan, I can’t do this right now. 


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Quinlan, please answer me. Just let me know you’re okay. Whatever’s happened, the Council doesn’t need to know, but I do. I need to know you’re okay. 


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: please


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: I love you. Please be safe. 



[Recovered from severely damaged communicator found on Jedha circa 19 BBY]


Me: Aayla, where are you?


Me: Aayla, report.

Me: where are you? Are you alright?


Me: aayla

Me: aayla, don’t do this to me


Switch channels? yes /no 


Me: Commander Cryo, report

Me: Cryo, where are you?


Switch channels? yes /no


Me: Freeze Squadron, report.

Me: This is General Quinlan Vos. Freeze Squadron, report.


Me: shit


Switch channels? yes /no

Are you sure you want to activate protocol [Emergency Broadcast System] ? This will switch you onto an open frequency. yes /no


Me: [audio transcript follows]

This is Master Quinlan Vos. If… If any of you are still out there, get in contact with me as soon as possible. Stay hidden and don’t be stupid. May the Force be with you all. Bye for now, I suppose.


You have one new message. View message.


Obi-Wan 💖🥵: Quinlan, I received your transmission. You’re not the only one left.


End Notes

Hi all! Don't be afraid to hit me up below or on tumblr @postapocalyptic-cryptic-fic or @chiafett and may the Force be with you.

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